

The hurdy-gurdy is a rubbed string instrument that appeared in the Middle Ages. It is widespread on almost all the French territory. It can have six strings of which two are called «Chanterelles» and the two others are called «bourdons graves» (deep bumblebee). By the way, the sound of this instrument is very similar to the humming. The musician has to turn the handle with his right hand while the left one is playing the melody on a keyboard. When the buttons of the keyboard are pressed, they pinch the « chanterelles » strings. Historically, the first hurdy gurdy was more than 1,50m long and was played by two people. They were putting the instrument on the knees of the two players. It is from the years 60s and 70s that the instrument got back its popularity thanks to folk groups and movements. Nowadays, this instrument is constantly evolving : it is electrified and the electroacoustic hurdy gurdy appears.
